February 16, 2024


Well-being goes beyond simply not being ill.  Living life to the fullest—physically, psychologically, socially, and spiritually—denotes being in good health.  This is referred to in scripture as the “abundant” life (see John 10:10), and it is precisely what God desires for you to have! “I pray that you may have good health and that everything goes well for you,” Jesus adds (3 John 2, NIV).
To help you experience this abundant life, there are some simple, easy-to-follow steps to better health.  You can’t control all the things that cause disease or accidents, but you can make choices that reduce your risks and promote health.  Here are eight simple steps to better health that you can begin to put into practice today.


Your ability to appreciate life and how you feel are influenced by the things you eat.  Making wholesome eating choices is so crucial.  Fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds made up the Garden of Eden’s initial diet.

Herbs, which the animals had eaten before the fall, were now a part of the diet.  It’s interesting that animal items rich in cholesterol were left out.  Many deadly illnesses like artery hardening would disappear if western nations adopted a plant-based diet.  Research after research demonstrates the superiority of a plant-based diet over all others (see Genesis 1:29, 30).


Your body was meant to be active.  Being physically well simply means having enough energy to do daily tasks and still have time for family and leisure activities.

You may reach this degree of physical fitness with a straightforward daily workout regimen.  Walking is a terrific method to get started. Increase the time and intensity of your exercise gradually after starting out softly.  Contrary to popular belief, “no pain, no gain” is untrue.  When you experience pain, you may be overdoing it.  Work out until your breathing becomes deep but not labored.  While thirty minutes a day is a great aim, even shorter sessions—three to five times a week—are beneficial because of the cumulative nature of exercise’s advantages.

Too busy to get in some exercise? In this current age, watching TV, playing video games, and browsing the internet are among the many passive entertainment options that people often fill their free time with. There are always benefits to one’s health when they decide to give up watching TV, playing video games, and using that time to exercise.  You’ll discover that exercise helps with weight control, stress management, immune system stimulation, and disease prevention.  You might live longer if you exercise, but more significantly, you don’t just live longer, you add life to those longer lived longer years if you exercise.

Step 3: WATER

Water is necessary for life.  Thirst is the body’s initial indication of dehydration, yet many individuals interpret it as a gauge for how much water they should consume.  Water is lost every day via perspiration, feces, urine, and lung evaporation.  Adults should aim to consume six to eight glasses of water each day, or more if they exercise or live in a hot climate.  Water is essential for renal function, controlling body temperature, and preserving bodily fluids.  So enjoy your drink. Not only is water low in calories, but it also has many other therapeutic benefits!

Keep in mind that alcohol, sodas, and coffee cannot replace water!  They seriously harm your health.  Indeed, research indicates that coffee actually causes your body to lose more liquid than it provides.

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You might not believe that sunlight has an impact on your health.  However, have you ever observed that during the winter, when the days are shorter and the weather is frequently overcast or rainy, you tend to grow melancholy and disheartened much more easily?  Sunlight aids in the body’s production of vitamin D.  Vitamin D is a necessary nutrient that helps your body absorb and use the calcium it needs for strong bones and teeth, regulates hormones and cell formation, and supports the growth of a robust immune and brain system.  Excessive sun exposure, however, can be harmful and result in skin cancer. Thus, stay out of direct sunlight for extended periods of time; use sunscreen and a hat;

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A balanced way of living is a healthy way of living.  A lifestyle like that does not mean “everything in moderation.”  Rather, it entails carefully incorporating all those positive things and behaviors that support health while totally avoiding all those negative things and behaviors that undermine good health.  A lifestyle that improves quality of life is what balance is all about.  Overeating, for instance, can result in obesity and/or upset stomach, whereas  malnutrition or starvation result from undereating.  Overwork causes fatigue and/or injuries.  Laziness and weak muscles are the results of underwork. A healthy, happy life revolves around the concept of balance.

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We can only survive for a few minutes without air, therefore it goes without saying that air is essential. However, the quality of the air we breathe also matters.  If pollutants are concentrated for several days or weeks, air pollution can be fatal or cause illness, especially in the very young and old, as well as in people with chronic lung disorders or congestive heart failure.  Smoking is likely the leading cause of air pollution. The detrimental impacts of smoking have been extensively studied, making it obvious that smoking is fatal.  Breath deeply of clean, pure air to aid in  preserving your good health.


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Research keeps demonstrating that for adults to truly operate well, they require eight hours of quality sleep every night.  Even if we persuade ourselves that we can survive on less sleep, sleep deprivation is a major issue in this fast-paced world today.  You must incorporate leisure activities into your life in addition to getting adequate sleep.  Spending a day in the great outdoors, whether it be on a beach, in the mountains, or anywhere else away from your everyday routine, can rejuvenate you and improve your ability to handle stress.  God gave us a weekly day of rest, the seventh-day Sabbath, because He understood that we needed a time to unwind and recuperate (see Exodus 20:8-11).


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Your overall welfare depends on the spiritual aspect of health even more than it does on the bodily aspects.  Illness can result from stress, worry, and guilt, which eat away at your vitality.  Having faith in God, your Creator, provides your life meaning and can assist you in overcoming the detrimental impacts of anxiety, worry, and stress.  Regularly reading God’s Word, the Bible, can help you have more faith in Him (see Romans 10:17).  God declares, “The strength of those who hope in the Lord will be renewed.”  Isaiah 40:32 states, “They will walk and not grow weary, they will run and not grow weary.”   A key component of good health is having faith in God.


Despite their seeming simplicity, these eight quick measures to better health are quite effective.  Start using them in your daily life right now to observe the difference.